Friday, March 18, 2011


 So...I have piles of old motorcycle parts...I have been saving them with the intention of doing some sort of 'junk' sculpture with them, yard art, bird feeders, I didn't know..
   I thought since I am not allowed to use my mig welder, another story, I should work on my gas (oxy-acetylene) welding skills...Started putting these together and now they're in a tree in the front yard...ahhh...yard art.

....the wings are old chain saw bars...I asked the parts guy at the hardware store to save them for me when they service chain saws and replace and call me when he gets a few...

the muffler bug...

                                                                  ...the spring bug..

...I'm thinking of a metal motorcycle 'man'...expansion chamber for a spine, I have lots of drive chain to make hands, fingers, feet...not sure what to do for a head yet..and working on an MB5 exhaust pipe praying mantis..

...more later

Monday, March 14, 2011

project Red...

 It was a dark and stormy night, 2 feet of snow outside, 5 feet in front of the van....ugg, I'm sitting there surfing the informertionals at about 3:30 am ...and whoa !!! here's this gorgeous vintage babe..sort of a cross between Sofia and Rene Russo. Really nice accessories, I mean, really nice accessoRies...but I digress...she says something about this great new fun motorcycle thing called a motogiro, and how you too can get in on all the fun for 3 easy payments, get your own motogiro kit.....Well I had the 800 number dialed before you could say 'unzipped leathers'.. a few days, look what showed up....yes, I have a vivid imagination.

before.....well, it really was a whole bike..